Thursday, October 19, 2006

Scottish Birthday Treats

Today is my 47th Birthday. Elizabeth bought some Scottish treats (probably at outrageous tourist shop prices), including Berwick Cockles, Edinburgh Castle Rock, Treacle Toffee, Tablet, and Highland Toffee, along with Irn Bru to accompany them. Very familiar stuff, although I doubt I have had these for over 20 years. The lowest common denominator is sugar. My grandmother used to make tablet and fudge regularly. It was great to see the kids curiosity, given that they had probably never seen or tasted them before. A little sad given that it is part of their heritage. They are already eyeing them agressively and were lobbying hard to have them instead of cereal.

1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthday to you! What else did they give you, Colin?


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