Saturday, November 04, 2006

I did not have sex with that man

That's the way love goes, babe
That's the music God made
For all the world to sing
Its never old; it grows
Losing makes me sorry
well now, "Honey, don't worry."
dont u kno i love u too
that's the way love goes. Merle Haggard

Haggards namesake, Ted, leading moral adviser to Dubya and his minders and a vocal opponent of gay marriage, resigned as president of the National Association of Evangelicals on Thursday after being accused by a male escort of having had a sexual relationship with him and using meth over a three year period.

"I did call him. I called him to buy some meth. But I threw it away. I was buying it for me but I never used it," Haggard, who looked uneasy as he sat in a car with his wife, said in an interview with KUSA TV in Colorado broadcast on CNN.

Asked if he had sex with his accuser, he replied tersely, "No I did not." He said he had sought the man out at a Denver hotel for a "massage."

This is definitely up there with Clinton not inhaling and not having sex with that woman and Jimmy Swagart's mea culpas. I suppose by an Evangelical definition, they didn't have sex. Such hypocracy. I wonder how much the person who dobbed him would have been offered to shut up, the week before the midterm elections. His timing was impecable, given the headway Republicans were making with the bonehead Kerry comments. What is it with Republicans and Catholics and the rampant gay bashing in public and undercover gay liasons and paedophilia out of the public view. So much for the Moral Majority. Seems like they are the Moral Minority.

All these God Based Quasi Politicians are tarred by the same brush with this kind of thing. No bad thing in my opinion.

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