Sunday, December 17, 2006

Last Day of School for the Year

Friday was the last day of School for the kids for the year. It is the long holidays now.

I am so grateful for the great work that Teachers do for our kids. There is a really strong bond with the teachers by the end of the year. Hannah was very upset because her teacher is leaving after 10 years in the school.

The School Principal is also leaving after 10 years and the School Secretary after 36 years.

The school will be different next year, not least because they are chopping down the beautiful gums in the car park, because they are becoming dangerous. Sad but inevitable.

Life will go on, but this small stage in their life is over.

Now it is play play play

Goodbye Mrs Kris, who is just starting a ten year appointment at the school. She was great with a class of mainly boys.

Goodbye Mrs Pawson, who has been the musical leader and the bestest teacher ever according to Hannah. A very lovely person, who has landed in a great job for next year as a full time music support teacher.

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