Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Yanqui Cricket Commentary It's Knott John Arlott

The cultural implications of having Yanks write about cricket, are dodgy. It just sounds so slam bang do whoopy. The facts are the same, but the tone and demeanour are all wrong.

On the other hand, you could go here and here and here for a more familiar tone.


  1. Oh I don't know. Seems kinda sweet that a Yank would even take an interest. You don't go to Bloomberg, after all, to learn about tiddlywinks.

  2. On the other hand - what is there to say? If I were a commentator, what _would_ I actually say?

    "Welcome to the f***ing SCG, it's a f***ing rubbish day and E****** are f****** s***, going down by *** wickets again..."

    Jeez man, what the hell are you supposed to say in the face of epoch making incompetence??? Given that it took my pathetic life savings to see 1998/99 I feel qualified to comment here - I love England but by God I hate cricket sometimes.

  3. Welcome back Tin Drummer. I suppose that is what you would say. What else is there other than to wait for next summer when England will again likely look like world class and hope that a competitive field can be in place for 2009. You can be sure that Australia will be working on that as we speak.

  4. Yes, that's what worries me. Meanwhile we're patching up Michael Vaughan's knee and hoping that will do.

    Even our sledging is rubbish! Still, we're world leaders in batting collapses, our injuries are first class and our wayward bowling is truly remarkable. I doubt if Glenn McGrath could put 6 balls in 6 different places if he tried. And we lose so well. 5-0. Now that's a lot. None of this closely fought we nearly won rubbish. Let us now go forward and lose all the one-dayers too. That would be impressive.


Your turn.