Sunday, January 14, 2007

Want to own your own country?

Sick of owning a house, why not buy the worlds smallest country, complete with a Royal Family. Sealand is up for sale for a reputed eight figure price tag. I mean only the seriously depressed would go for a property with uninterrupted sea views and crap weather and you have to have a helicopter to get there. Personally I would look for a warmer place. I am sure you could negotiate lifetime tenure on an island in the South Pacific for a good deal less. You could declare yourself independent and appoint yourself King (or Queen).

Talking of Kings and Queens, perhaps we can have a whip around and buy it for Charles and Camilla, so that he can be King before he dies (and she can be Queen). I imagine this would be Charles's kind of place. No paparazzi, no stupid public speaking and ribbon cuttings, no architecturally blemished buildings, no pollution, eco friendly environment, renewable energy from wind and wave power and you could catch your own fish and grow your own vegetables. Final benefit for Camilla. Her mother in law probably wont visit. Paradise for Chuck and his Gal to ruminate in the wind and the rain.

1 comment:

  1. Ah, but would Camilla's hatmaker come out there? She couldn't survive without him, could she?


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