Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Guantanamo Kangaroo Court Day of Shame

The only people happy about the outcome of Adelaide's most famous would be terrorist pleading guilty in Guantanamo will be his mates, behind him (stabbing him in the back) all the way, John (I'm your buddy) Howard, Alexander (the Executioner) Downer and Philip (He's guilty as hell your Honor) Ruddock.

I hope these guys can look themselves in the mirror in the morning as they move into the next phase of the election with one issue defused somewhat. As Hick's dad said, "He just wanted to get out of there". I am sure that Howard and his cronies felt exactly the same way about getting Hicks out of there, but for very different reasons.

Let's hope the abandonment of an Australian Citizen, regardless of what he did, sticks like mud in the run up to the election.

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