Sunday, April 15, 2007

Oh That It Was This Easy

How to have six figure blogging income. Ha Ha Ha. Would that be in Rupiah, Dong or other forms of funny money.

Call me cynical, but I think that it is a bit trickier than this.

Imagine that there were 10,000 bloggers in the blogiverse with this as their goal. That would mean that if there business plans were to work, there is at least $10,000,000,000 floating around (I think that is billions), floating around waiting to be sucked up by the blogosphere (is that before or after tax) just by signing up for Adsense and writing lots of good posts, linking and doing cool blog widgit stuff.

Any way. Interesting idea. At least I wasn't asked to hold money for a Nigerian Business who couldn't cash some cheques.

Thanks Modern Life is Rubbish (aint that the truth).

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