Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Statements of the Bleedin' Obvious

Mea Culpa Time. Pass the Sword.

Fletcher's future as coach is set to be discussed at the end of the tournament and former England allrounder Ian Botham said it was time for a change.

``We've got some good cricketers but they need a new direction,'' Botham said on Sky Sports. ``Duncan Fletcher has done some great things for England over the years but everyone has a shelf life and I'm sorry, his has expired.''

Allow me to add Michael Vaughan and a few others.

Well hello. These guys get paid a fortune and have not delivered. Goodbye, Adios.....


  1. Let's our sportsmen improve in time for the 2012 Olympics when he host them.

  2. I am not sure cricket will be on the agenda for 2012. I was interested by some of the discussions elsewhere about the merits of British sports teams, most notably the football team. The way politics is going at the moment, it is possible Scotland would be independent by then and even if that were not the case, it may be hard for many to support a British team.

  3. Oi. That was my post title!!! More or less!


Your turn.