Saturday, April 14, 2007

Superheros Were Us

You are Green Lantern

Hot headed. You have strong will power and a good imagination.

Click here to take the "Which Superhero am I?" quiz...

When asked I always told the kids that I was a Campbells' Souper Hero, when forced to pick a Superhero identity. Cheezy I know, but what to expect from such a lame joker. Ryan is moving out of this phase of his life. For over a year, he wore his Spiderman Outfit everywhere. We had to buy two more because they got so worn out. People react very well to little kids with a Spiderman Costume on. Many of the parents at the school did not know his name, he was just Spiderman. When we first let him watch the DVD, his only interest was to work out the mechanics of shooting out a web. He would ask for that scene to be replayed and replayed.

As for me, I don't even know who Green Lantern is. He reminds me of a Junior Version of the Jolly Green Giant in the commercials from my childhood. Maybe he is an eco friendly warrior. "Turn off the lights, you energy sucking thief" or other such threats or fighter of evil tree cutting bandits such as these. I see I have a good bit of Batman and Robin and not too much Incredible Hulk. I never was much of a hunk.

And for my evil side, how appropriate. Almost everything I do involves some level of irreverent joking.

You are The Joker

The Clown Prince of Crime. You are a brilliant mastermind but are criminally insane. You love to joke around while accomplishing the task at hand.

Click here to take the Super Villain Personality Test


  1. The Green Lanterns are my favourite superheroes (there have been several of them, and there used to be an interplanetary Green Lantern Corps, with one GL for each inhabited planet).

    Superman is just too powerful for good stories to be written about him - and too much of a goody two-shoes to be really appealing.

    The "Green" bit is nothing to do with ecology. It's the colour of the artefacts he can conjure out of the air with his power ring, recharged from the alien green lantern from which he takes his name. The endless creative possibilities of these artefacts and GL's inventiveness with them makes for a graphically appealing comic.

    You should buy your kids some GL graphic novels (available from

    I am surprised you could have lived in the USA without ever having heard of GL.

  2. I never had kids there. Life is very different without kids. I learned about a lot of things, but Superheroes is definitely learned since becoming a dad. Thanks for that little insight.

  3. The Green Lantern is awesome, he's a good one to be.

    I agree with TP about Superman, he was too much of a boy scout for my taste.

    I took the quiz and it said:

    "You are Batman

    You are dark, love gadgets
    and have vowed to help the innocent
    not suffer the pain you have endured."

    I'm the prince of Gotham... how fitting.

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