Friday, April 13, 2007

Well D'uh! Are You Bored Too?

The Cricket World Cup Chief thinks that the tournament is too long. Well Hello, what training do we need to render that opinion? How about adding boring and tedious.

I think that anybody who had even a passing interest in cricket would come to the same conclusion.

The tournament is supposed to be a showcase to get people excited about cricket. This tournament is doing anything but. In additon, next time around they will also have to make room for Iraq and Afghanistan.


  1. My interest in cricket is indeed passing, owing to this crap tournament. 51 days! If you can do the Olympics - ie the entire world gathered to do loads of sports - in two weeks, why six odd weeks for 12 countries or summat to play bloody cricket?? I love cricket, but by the soul of the sainted WG - this ain't it.

  2. I reckon Howzat for all of the ICC Buffoons. We need to blow it up and start again. Too many media types and lawyers running the show.

  3. Agreed. Let's bring the old duffers back from their extended holiday in Dubai for a start and get them working on cricket's grassroots - preventing the game collapsing completely in WI (which they've speeded up thanks to the WC, probably) and trying to keep it going in cities outside southern Asia for example.


Your turn.