Sunday, May 20, 2007

Don't Eat Yellow Snow

Not really the same, but along the same kinds of lines, Tickersoid warns of the dangers of level crossings. We have quite a few in our neighbourhood and every now and again, we hear about some poor sad individual who had the misfortune to lose their valuable commuter wagon to a train. I also know that for the despondent, it is an effective means to relieve that pain. My friend was standing on the platform one day and there was a guy on the other side acting a bit odd. When the train passed through the station, he wasn't there any more. Momentum, it will get you every time.

This reminds me of the Physics problem we were set in high school about the fly flying, as they do, into a train and whether the fly stops the train, since in order for the fly to change direction and go in the direction of the train, it would have to stop and so would the train. I know that this is pretty theoretical and that yes, I now know the fly and all who travel with her would be squished.

OK, no more morbid posts for at least a few aeons.

Thanks Tickersoid

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