Friday, August 10, 2007

Join the Army, Meet Interesting and Exciting People and Kill Them

Fresh from John Winston Howard's tacit endorsement of KKK high jinks in army camps, describing it as a bit of fun, with guys just letting off a bit of steam, Flute exposes the rather silly proposal for young people to spend a gap year in the military. By the time they become disciplined lean mean killing machines, they can go to college, drink heavily, take drugs......

Why not put them in some of the remote Aboriginal communities that Howard think need help so badly. Build some schools and houses and learn some cultural understanding. Better than a year of polishing boots and learning to kill people.

Photo from Club Troppo who got it from some other clever clogs.


  1. Anonymous5:21 pm


    as the daughter of a retired career Army Officer who was also a three tour veteran and who received the Order of Australia for his long service, I 100% wholeheartedly agree with your proposal.

    Let the Army fund raise by holding car washes and send our gap year kids off to do much needed voluntary work in our own country. In fact, why voluntary work - now that the government is fund raising, why not spend some of the defence budget on tax free wages for our young Aussies who will be learning to give a damn about, and protect our own people from domestic terrorists.

  2. Lifting my imagined hat, Colin!

  3. I wouldn't be suprised if they did end up stationed in the Aboriginal communities during their military service - doubt they'd be building any schools tho, that requires funding.



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