Sunday, December 09, 2007

Be a Jetson in Real Life

Personal Jet Packs ala Jetsons are set to debut next year.

Widgery’s company, JetPack International, has spent the past two years developing a device that fulfills those Jetsons-era fantasies - and can keep you airborne for all of nine minutes.

The original jetpack, introduced by Bell Aerosystems in 1961, could fly for a mere 23 seconds and was not commercialized. It wasn’t just the short flight time that hampered development of jetpacks. The hydrogen-peroxide fuel - like the disinfectant but in far stronger concentration - was prohibitively expensive at $2,000 a flight, to say nothing of the risk of running out of fuel in midair. No wonder only 11 people have ever piloted such machines.

Soon he hit upon the idea of using three small jet turbine engines, powered by jet fuel, and a pack constructed with lightweight carbon fiber. Fuel for a single flight would now cost just $20.

Thanks Dane Carlson

PS. How come my site is always worth $564.45? Just curious like?

My son thinks this would be a great way to get to school.

Shades also has a cool recreational activity. Not so dangerous, but dizzy making and only good for getting to work if you live at the bottom of a hill. Getting home would not be so good. Perhaps you could combine the jet pack and the ball.


  1. Prefer the jetpack to the sphere.

  2. Can wait to see them used in some crazy police chases show.

    I think the value is the value of the HW. LOL. :)

  3. Wait until the Green Police get wind of it....

  4. Anonymous2:11 pm

    Nine minutes? No chance of a decent jet-propelled shag then.

  5. Yes not sure how you could join the mile high club on this thing. Perhaps the 100 metre club. Watching the video, it looked pretty easy, but I am sure it would take quite a bit of practice.

  6. Anonymous2:20 am

    I have some original 60s Jetson themed underwear - if I ever get to fly one of these things I shall wear the Jetsons undies...


Your turn.