Friday, January 25, 2008

Don't You Hate It When Your Screen is Dirty?

Why don't you try this!

This was good while it lasted. Seems like it has been taken down. No doubt because their servers were being swamped. It had a video of a puppy licking the inside of the screen. Even searching Google for the file name didn't bring much luck. Sorry. Feel free to try again.


  1. How come I can't get the link to work? Not in Firefox or IE! Mutter, mutter.

  2. I'm getting a 404 error on the link Colin ...not to worry...
    loved your cricket photos....
    have a grand Australia Day evening....
    enjoy the cricket !!

  3. It worked for me when you first posted it but it is dead now, just when I was trying to show it to David.

    Mr. Cruz looks like comment spam to me...

  4. Nope, still no luck. When my screen gets dirty I'll just have to buy a new laptop!

  5. I love the licking puppies screen cleaner. I had it on my old desk top computer and lost it when that machine got fried by a virus. I'll do a little googling and see if I can find it.


Your turn.