Sunday, April 27, 2008

I eat my first Vegemite Sandwich

Vegemite on toastImage via WikipediaYesterday I ate my first Vegemite Sandwich. My son only ate one and I was rushing out the door and was handed the other to eat in the car. My daughter and her friend were incredulous that I could have lived this long and not savoured the delights. I know why! Must be an acquired taste and not being Aussie, I don't have to justify it.

While we are on the topic, there is this. Tricky. I have no ideas which ones I got right or wrong.

Anyway on my way Mates!

You are 83% Aussie!

She'll be apples in the morning with a bit of practice. Break out the barbie and invite some mates over. Chuck some Vic bitter Coopers Pale in the esky, grill up some Vegemite Prawns on the barbie, fire up some AccaDacca, turn on the footy and have a bonzer time!

How Aussie are you?

Thanks Nunyaa and James


  1. Well apparently I am 96% Aussie, so thats pretty cool. We lived in France as children and I remember my dad sending us over 2 huge jars of Vegemite .. the little french children though we were insane to eat it!

  2. I wish I had of gotten that one instead of the 90% I scored, I can handle acdc, football and vic bitter LOL.

  3. Have you tried promite? Similar to vegemite.

  4. Not enough Vegemite on the bread!

  5. I'm only 71% Aussie, how about that and beaten by James. I hang my head in shame. Things must have changed a lot.
    I used to love vegemite and for years I used to buy and bring it back to Canada until they sold it here too. Now I can't abide the stuff. Too salty!

  6. Anonymous6:29 pm

    too much vegemite on that toast. Just need a scraping and a ton of butter. YUM!

    That is what I had for lunch!

  7. Did you actually like the stuff? I always wonder about the claims of Vegemite being healthy, given the huge salt content! I wonder whether anybody has ever done a proper study on this...


Your turn.