Monday, July 07, 2008

Revenge of the Daliqs

A liquorice Dalek is set to take over the Pontefract Liquorice Festival.

They spent a month working with design technician Steve Jefferies and textiles tutor Amanda Bird to create the work, which stands at around 5ft 10ins. The liquorice was donated by the town's two sweet factories, Monkhill and Haribo.

Daliq stands on casters and is supposed to swivel but as Amanda explained: "Daliq has mobility issues – like most Daleks he is unable to climb stairs and this brought about the downfall of the Dalek race.
At least you would be able to lick it to death.

Thunderdragon has the German and French spins on the Daleks.

Extermineiren! Extermineiren!

Zemanta Pixie


  1. Tis a pity the Daleks never evolved to become chocolate coated licorice, they'd have been in high demand! :P

  2. I'll see if I can go and see it next weekend. Bizarre that I get news of what's happening down the road from the other side of the world...

  3. You can blame Baht at for that story. He has these news headlines, many quirky that are often sources of good blog fodder.


Your turn.