Saturday, November 15, 2008

Photo Hunt: Ruin

In 1997 before Hannah came along, I went with Elizabeth and my Dad to Myanmar (Burma). We had a very interesting time getting to the areas the the Junta allow you to visit. One of the most interesting areas were the ruins in Bagan, dating back to 1000 AD when it was the capital. For ruins, they are in pretty good shape for 1000 year old buildings.

Even then we had to consider the issues of the evil junta and how our foreign exchange was supporting their regime. I wouldn't go now.

Talking of countries with y in their name. Apparantly there are at least 15. We managed to work out 14, including Myanmar. Any ideas for odd ones?

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  1. Anonymous6:49 pm

    WOW! I've been here too! :D Amazing,right? :) I should dig some of my photos sometimes..

    Thanks for bringing back memories!

  2. Spectacular, Colin! I'm glad I don't have to choose a favorite!

    I love the textures of "ruined". Here's mine:

    Have a great weekend!

  3. They are great photos. It would have been great to see first hand even though you wouldn't go again. I am going to Thailand next week and not even sure about that given all the political unrest.

  4. Anonymous7:13 pm

    They don't build them like they used to...

  5. What amazing images! They almost look other worldly! If there is such a thing as glorious ruins, this must be a prime example!

  6. Anonymous8:06 pm

    This week's theme is especially interesting. I got to see historical places and other stuff. Nice share. Mine is up, too. Happy weekend!

  7. Anonymous8:11 pm

    The first picture is just beautiful!

  8. Anonymous8:30 pm

    Very impressive place!!
    Countries with Y??
    How about Kyrgystan?

  9. It must have been truly magnificent in all it's glory. I've never been to Asia, except a day in Colombo so long ago.
    Good choice. Enjoy your busy weekend.

  10. Excellent photos, and great history behind it.

    As for countries with 'y'? You got me!! Now that you asked, the only word I can think of is countrY!!!! See what you started? Now I'm gonna be thinking of this all day. :o)

    My Native American Sonoran Desert Ruin is posted...come join me, won't you?

    Happy Hunting!

  11. Beautiful shots! I've seen quite a few places I would love to travel to because of this theme, and now I'll include Myanmar.

    My entry for photo hunters is here

    Thank you for stopping by, and have a great weekend :)

  12. Anonymous12:56 am

    Oh my! That first photo is amazing! Nicely done. Great take on this week's theme. Happy Hunting. My Ruined

  13. Those are beautiful ruins and an interesting post. Happy weekend.

  14. What a great post! The castle is amazing. That's a good trivia question, about the Ys. I'll have to quiz my kids.

    I did Photo Hunt today, too. I hope you get a chance to visit and leave your link!

    Have a great weekend!

  15. Anonymous2:07 am



  16. Wow, that building is amazing! I have never been anywhere like that.

  17. So beautiful! I can only imagine what it must be like to stand at the bottom and look up.

  18. Interesting post on the theme Ruin(ed) Colin :)
    Thanks for the birthday wishes for my girl too...
    I'm still figuring out where the years have gone too :P

  19. Hi Colin - great photos and ariticle this week. Glad you scanned them. :)

  20. I love that first photo! Out of this world - except it isn't. Wonderful place to have seen.

  21. Very good shapefor their age!


  22. That's an amazing sight Colin

  23. what a beautiful sight..ruins like this have their haunting beauty.


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