Friday, January 02, 2009

Skywatch Friday

Optimistic Morning Sky from earlier in the month. We have had quite a bit of overcast weather this week, so nothing very current. Hope the New Year was good and that 2009 works out for you.

More interesting skies here.


  1. Happy New Year 2009 and Happy SWF!Interesting photo of clouds!Very nice!

  2. Great shot of the clouds. Thank you.

  3. Beautiful skies! they look very much like ours here in Seattle -- well, not lately, too much snow and your do look much more optimistic right now than ours do! Thanks for sharing and wishing you a very Happy New Year! and with no Dubya!!!! that's the best of all!!

  4. That is a beautiful, delightful, wonderful sky.

  5. Beautiful shot. I do so love clouds. Happy 2009!

  6. Happy New Year, Colin. Thanks, too, for the visit and comment.

    Am just about to jump on a plane to Perth, but I thought I’d answer your question.

    You said: ``Better than the real thing. No doubt you have a range of success. Lovely shots. How many do you take if you are aiming for about 10 good ones?’’

    In answer to that, I reckon I shot 120-130 frames of the fireworks on New Year’s Eve. I probably discarded seven or eight images (a much higher attrition rate than normal) and this was for one of two reasons: a) blurred images because I was not using a tripod or b) white-flare predominance from shooting into an exploding firework.

    Cheers, mate. Have a good weekend. I’ll still be posting every day from the west coast.

  7. Big beautiful patch of sky to celebrate Sky Watch Friday and the new year.

    You asked where my post for this week was from, it is southern bayside brisbane. Possibly the shortest lighthouse I have ever seen.

  8. Lovely puffy clouds, rare this time of year in Canada so a wonderful sight for my eyes! All the best in 2009!

  9. Anonymous12:13 pm

    Nice sky from Aus! :)
    Hope you had a great time in NSW :)

  10. Nice shot Colin.

  11. A fantastic sky for your part of Australia! Beautiful colours too. Happy 2009.

  12. Anonymous6:37 pm

    Great pictures, happy 2009

  13. Thanks for your comment on my Evening sky of Christmas Eve. You said:"I love those Australian sunsets!" So do I, but this was a Dutch sunset. For I live in Holland. Thanks anyway. I love your skies too.

  14. Anonymous8:41 pm

    Thanks for visiting my blog. Your sky looks wonderful too.

  15. We've had such a lot of promising clouds tis past week and no b...rain! Things are getting a bit drastic with stock water.
    Like your clouds and the contrast between the isolated ones and that bank of them at the horizon.

  16. Anonymous2:15 am

    Pretty capture and a happy and healthy new year to you too:)

  17. nice pic happy new year!

  18. What a beautiful sky you captured ~ bright and sunny!

  19. Gorgeous clouds!

  20. A bright and beautiful sky! Very nice...
    thanks for dropping by my blog today.

    Happy New Year!!
    Mountain Retreat- Canada

  21. Beautiful sky shot! Isn't it great to have some "stock" photos from when we are able to capture the sky at its best. I find myself trying to capture it whenever I can so I have something to post when we have nothing but gray skies for days on end.


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