Saturday, June 27, 2009

Photo Hunt Flags

I took this one of my brother Robin when he visited earlier this year. Just to prove he had been here.

Every now and again, the Australian flag gets dragged into the kids games.

Australians have a strong attachment to their flag. Not as patriotic as Americans though. Around Australia day, flags are on cars. Much less common to see them on people's houses or in their gardens.

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  1. Anf a fine flag it is Colin. Happy weekend!

  2. err that should be and!

  3. Indeed. I like the connection with the UK. Not likely to change any time soon.

  4. Great pics for the theme :) Here in Canada it is pretty much the same attitude with the flag. Canada Day is coming up so we'll see it a lot more in the coming days. Cheers!

  5. Next door to me has a flag on a flagpole in their front yard, and there's another one down the road. :)

    Hope your weekend goes well. My Alessandro is half way to England right now.

  6. Both shots are fun and appropriate to the theme. I can see the resemblance between you and your brother.

  7. Great entry for this week's PH!

    Happy PH!
    Cindy O
    Stop by!

  8. Agree that Americans seem the most proud of their flag. Here in Hong Kong, I've never seen a flag flying from a private residence... or car!

  9. Canadians are not so flag waving as Americans either but they do appear in force on Canada Day which is July 1st.

    Happy weekend to you Colin.

  10. Anonymous3:21 pm

    I concur with jmb...

    and my posting shows a few ways you see the Canadian flag on Canada Day

  11. Anonymous3:22 pm

    I meant to say... the second photo is very funny...

  12. fun photos. i don't remember ever taking a photo of a friend or relative beside a flag.:P

  13. Yes, we Americans are very patriotic. I guess it is because WE are the government, eh?
    I also did Photo Hunters (finally). I hope you can visit.

    Have a happy weekend!
    Mrs. Mecomber

  14. Thank you for the wonderful laugh... "just to prove he'd been there." Sometimes with brothers you are just not sure are you....
    My flags are here.


Your turn.