Saturday, March 26, 2011

Photo Hunt: Caged

Spotty guards the chickens


  1. Are the chooks for eating? Looks like a temporary cage there! :O

  2. No. They are egg laying beasts. When they became bigger, we had an issue with the volume of shit on our paths and the like. Unfortunately, the chooks lost and had to move on. We gave them to the local pet shop and they kept them with their flock. We go back now and buy eggs, which may be from our chooks. Nice.

  3. I'd say that the cage just might protect the chickens from Spotty. LOL. How are you mate? Long time no speak.

  4. Er it's JMB, in her alter SL ego.

  5. It's fun to watch them and play with the chickens but when it comes to cleaning up, that's the no-fun part. :D


Your turn.