Thursday, December 22, 2011

Deep fried butter served up in Scotland - Telegraph


The dessert, made from frozen balls of butter and given a Scottish twist with Irn Bru batter, is already popular in the US.
Described as a "heart attack on a plate", the chefs at The Fiddler's Elbow in Edinburgh serve the sticky treat with Irn Bru ice cream and coulis.
For those wanting an even more potent version of the dish, called Braveheart Butter Bombs, a variation with whisky batter is also available.

Posted via email from poobumwee's posterous


  1. The whole thought of deep fried butter is rather stomach churning. Then again, I thought the same of deep fried Mars bars and was quite pleasantly surprised when I tried it.

  2. And I thought chip butties were bad and deep fried Mars bars were already scary enough! ;D


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