Monday, December 26, 2011

Top 10: Inappropriate outfits in popular culture - Blogs |

Unless you work in retail (in which case, you’re probably living a life of unadulterated hell) the working year is winding up. The light at the end of the tunnel that is Christmas, and Christmas ham, and sweet summery freedom, is inching ever closer. Maybe you’re getting into the festive spirit by decking your house out in fairy lights that flash along to the Pirates of the Carribean theme song. Maybe you’re on the hunt for a gift that will elicit a response even half as joyous as this. If your biggest social season concern is mistletoe-related, and you’d like to minimise the walk of shame pain the morning after (we’ve all been there, but just in case you need reminding: Harvey Nichols’ latest video), then do your best to avoid the following ten looks.

Posted via email from poobumwee's posterous

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