We just don't have storms like this in Scotland. This photograph was printed in banner format in the front page of the Australian on Friday. A grim reminder of how dry this country is.
On the Ning Nang Nong My Dad was often found chuckling in the toilet with Spike's war recollections. I am sure that my Dad identified strongly with the Spike's take on the extremely silly side of national service. He himself was sent to Suez, to "shoot up a few Arabs". I still don't know if he really saw action. I used to like to read his books. Anyway there is a good Spike Milligan site if you are interested. |
One of the things that I occupy my time with is propagating native trees to be planted throughout South Australia. Here, like many parts of the world has lost many native species and this programme helps to reestablish vegetation in private and public land. The seeds are collected by trained volunteers and dispensed, along with growing supplies to hundreds of volunteers by Trees for Life. I grow about 600 seedlings every summer and they are transferred and planted in the autumn (April/May). It is a fantastic grassroots environmental programme that really makes a difference. At the moment the first lot are just getting established and the second batch are germinating. The only annoying bit is filling the growing tubes - really tedious.
This is the time of the year in Adelaide when middle aged, overweight and unfit men get their expensive and not so expensive cycling gear out to show the world. Cycling gear has got to be the worst form of body cover for bulging people, with its skin hugging elasticated fabric. These enthusiastic souls roam around the city in packs, in the hottest weather of the year, hopefully avoiding over aggressive petrol driven aggressors, of which there are many. The season lasts until about a fortnight after the tour www.tourdownunder.com.aufinishes and the bikes and the gear go back in the garage for another year.