
Friday, January 19, 2007

Technology Wiz

I am pleased with myself. We bought a bread maker and I was able to make a nice loaf second time up. Both Elizabeth and Hannah are gluten and dairy intolerant, so experimentation was the name of the game. The banana bread was very soggy in the middle, but the Buckwheat and Gluten Free Muesli version came up a treat. On to the next loaf and working out how to do time delay.


youdontknowme said...

My dad bought one of those breadmakers three years ago. he has only used it a few times. banana bread is nice though

James Higham said...

This is your new role in life, Colin. Next will come the culinary delicacies.

Welshcakes Limoncello said...

Well done. Your bread sounds lovely. I haven't got as breadmaking machine, though I've often thought of getting one. But here in Italy it would probably take up too much electricity. [Most dwellings have only 3kw, you see, which is OK, but you have to remember to keep checking how many electrical things you have got switched on.] Good luck with the next recipes!

Colin Campbell said...


I am totally gourmet when it comes to cooking. This is just the icing.

Welshcakes Limoncello

Talking about power limitations, it made me realise how much I take that for granted. I remember living in the Philippines, where you had to worry about power. It was very intermittent and the water ran for an hour in the morning and half an hour in the evening. You had to fill up buckets to have water available. In Nepal we had a generator, that kicked in when required.

Not Saussure said...

I use my breadmaker all the time; smashing things. I got it because the only place near where I live you can buy decent bread is, unfortunately, the bakery department of a large supermarket, and there's no way I'm schlepping out there just to buy a couple of loaves.

Once you get the timer worked out -- if it's anything like mine, you have to remember you're telling it in how many hours you want the bread ready rather than when you want it to turn on, which confused me a bit at first -- you get not only the bread but the smell of freshly baked bread when you go into the kitchen in the morning, or come home from work or whenever.