
Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Where's the Potted Hough?

Chris Applegate pointed me to The Great British Sandwich. Very clever and fun.

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Next up, The Great Aussie Barbie?

Do they still make Potted Hough, one of the torturous food challenges of my childhood? Just say no kids!


Bock the Robber said...

What the fuck is potted hough?

Colin Campbell said...

Here you go. Mr Bock the Robber. Enjoy.
3 lbs. Hough (Shin of Beef)
1 Nap Bone
Salt and Pepper

1/2 tsp. whole mace
1/2 tsp peppercorns

Put hough and bone into a pot, cover with cold water, and add salt. Bring very slowly to boiling-point, and simmer very gently for five or six hours until the meat is loosed from the bones. Remove the bones, chop the meat small or mince it, and return to the pot with the stock; add a little more boiling water if necessary, season with salt and pepper, and boil for another ten minutes---no longer. When cool, turn into wetted moulds.