
Sunday, April 19, 2009

Yes Minister

The real effects of reckless driving and speeding are death, injury and damage.

Tom Koutsantonis current   (former as of today) South Australia Road Safety Minister and proud possessor of almost 30 road traffic offences including speeding, running red lights and mobile phone use.

Perhaps Transport SA will be running this promotion like they did last weekend when Channel 10 scheduled their current speeding ad with promotions for a street racing movie. Only weeks after a horrific crash involving idiots street racing on suburban streets.

Perhaps be more effective than the pretty ineffectual "Don't knudge it" advert.

Look for more action in this space, with Media Mike looking for easy political wins in the run up to next years election. Public crushings of hoon cars, very likely I would say. Don't say that Mike would allow anything to get in the way of him and re-election. 


Ian said...

I'm amazed the premier didn't have the minister vetted for his traffic record before appointing him. A serial traffic offender as Road Safety minister is just setting your government up for fail.

Jayne said...

Words fail me!