
Saturday, December 23, 2006

On the 23rd Day of Christmas........Two Wascaly Wabbits

The kids were very happy this morning, when we walked over to a friend of Elizabeth and picked up two 8 week old rabbits. Hannah has been bugging us for about a year to get some rabbits and had pretty much given up on us. We think that they are the same sex, but apparently if not they are ready to go for it now. They can be desexed at 12 weeks, so we are holding our breath. Regardless there is a boy bunny, Ben and a girl bunny, Daisy. Welcome to the menagerie.

My rabbit memories from childhood, include chasing them in our large backyard with my younger brother, armed with forks. We had some Black and White Dutch rabbits that escaped and interbred with the locals, making for some interesting hybrids. And finally, I have only ever eaten rabbit once when my Grandmother tried to pass it off as chicken. The thought of eating cute little rabbits was enought to pass on that, although my Greek friend Mary swears by rabbit for stew.


Ian Appleby said...

My grandmother used to take my brother and me as a treat to a pub in Ampleforth, North Yorkshire, that did a stunning rabbit pie, and a treat it was.

Did you only eat rabbit the once because you never managed to catch one with a fork? ;)

Colin Campbell said...

Yes, two intrepidit scottish warriors used to lunch dinner forks at rabbits with no success. Even carving forks were not succesful. If Mary invites me to try some rabbit stew, I will give it a go.