
Sunday, July 20, 2008

Wireless Thieves in your Neighbourhood?

This might do it.


Jayne said...

My cousin found her neighbours were freeloading on her wireless network to a hefty tune.
So she gave them the bill to pay LOL.

Colin Campbell said...

Your cousin was smart to do that. Even if you don't exceed your quota it slows things right down if there are multiple computers working off the same connection. We were using our neighbours network quite innocently for a few months. They guy who set it up assumed that was the default.

Chervil said...

I only cottoned on to the whole issue of open wireless networks when a friend visited, opened his laptop and immediately plugged into our wireless connection... Ooops. Luckily, our neighbours are a fair way away and the wireless connection does not travel far enough for anybody to use it unless they are right outside the window. Nevertheless, it was a wake-up call and I have since secured our network.

Baht At said...

Interesting - I always have my mobiles visible on bluetooth but name them variants of "f off" (eff orf, heff horf etc)

sally in norfolk said...

my network is open at home as I have been unable to secure it... did not think this was a problem but some people seem to think i should get it secured

Anonymous said...

I am too high up for people to bother ... you would need a step ladder..

James Higham said...

Thanks, Colin. I'll hack in today.

jmb said...

My laptop is sometimes dragged onto one of our neighbour's unsecured networks rather than our own and I have to change channels when that happens. No idea where they live or who they are but I wish they would secure their network.