
Monday, January 12, 2009

Warning - Contains Chocolate

Cadbury's have decided to warn us that Dairy Milk contains milk.

Where will it end? Lawyers, you have a lot to answer for.

Cadbury's Corporate Warning - Contains Nuts

Thanks Wierd News from Sky News (I can sleep at night now).


Lilly said...

S***! Why did they have to go and ruin it for me!

Connie - Tails from the Foster Kittens said...

Yup.. and yogurt contains dairy..

I'm there rolling my eyes with you.

Colin Campbell said...

Warning Burgers contain meat...

River said...

Oh Lordy! Where will it end..

Moggs Tigerpaw said...

Warning! Lawyers are bad for your health.

SandyCarlson said...

I enjoyed that! How crazy. For the 10 or 12 out there who don't know milk is milk. Phew! Great shot.

Anonymous said...

They've actually printed a warning here that it contains MILK

Anonymous said...


But then mince pies don't actually have meat in them. That's very misleading.
