
Monday, December 03, 2007

Cubans to Vote for Tito Castro

From The Australian

Fidel Castro has been nominated as a National Assembly candidate, signalling that the ailing Cuban leader is not yet ready to give up politics and could even return to the presidency.

The 81-year-old communist leader, not seen in public since he temporarily stepped down in July 2006 following surgery, was included on a list of candidates for national elections to be held on January 20 in Santiago de Cuba, where he has traditionally been nominated for office.

To applause and cheers of “Viva Fidel, viva the commander in chief”, municipal officials in Santiago de Cuba unanimously approved Mr Castro’s nomination on a list of 25 candidates for the National Assembly.

They are going to have to tilt the bed quite a bit to get him to stand. Actually I am surprised that he has be elected. I thought that he was a dictator for life if we are to believe our American Friends.

Perhaps he is emboldened by the Venezualan President Hugo Chavez's attempt to rule for ever. Seems the Venezualans rejected that plan. Unfortunately our Russian friends seem happy to trust Mr Putin with this kind of power. Look out for some serious sabre rattling in that part of the world. I doubt that there will be much ammo dumped on Tehran in that environment. That and Musharaf in Pakistan, who is a raving loony and he has nuclear weapons. Unfortunately not too much oil, which may explain why there is such subdued sabre rattling by our Yanqui War Wishers, along with soothing democratic whispers.

When are these Dictators going to take their nutty ideas out on some punching bags in the gym and leave their monstrous egos in the bedroom.

The world may well be a better place if this was to happen.

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