
Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Environmentalists to eat Worms and Grass for Christmas Dinner this Year

This kind of thing makes me sick. Get a life. If people have to feel guilty about getting together with their family and having a meal at Christmas then the world has gone to pot and beyond by a long way. This kind of thinking can just fuck right off immediately.

From the BBC

Carbon cost of Christmas dinner
Christmas lunch
Some ingredients are imported from across the world
A carbon footprint equivalent to 6,000 car journeys around the world will be produced by the UK tucking into Christmas dinner, researchers say.

It is claimed the UK's love of the traditional turkey dinner will generate 51,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide.

Academics calculated the production, processing and transportation costs of the festive ingredients.

The Manchester researchers estimate a dinner for eight generates 20kg (44lbs) of carbon dioxide emissions.

They arrived at the total emissions figure by assuming one third of the UK population eats a typical Christmas meal.

My dead Grandmothers would be horrified by this kind of thinking. Christmas is a family time. Have they worked out the carbon cost of all the alcohol that is consumed? Have they worked out all the carbon emissions related to going to the toilet. Shall we stop doing that? Shall we all dig holes and sit tight for a few months. Lets all stop living........I could rant a bit longer, but I will stop because I have another 50 boxes to pack.

Merry Christmas Carbon Tallying Grinches (Not!)


Anonymous said...

Just think how many more car journeys won't be made on Christmas day because of the day off work and families staying at home to eat Christmas Lunch. Having Christmas Day every day of the year would probably solve the global warming problem. Eating turkey each day would reduce the need for all those C02 producing cows too. Just think of all the CO2 humans would produce if we ate just worms and grass! No I would rather not think of that.

James Higham said...

This kind of thinking can just fuck right off immediately.

Amen to that, brother.

Bill Haydon said...

Damn straight.

What's the carbon footprint of the Aussies who now work at my school? Who gives a toss - they're great teachers and very, very funny. The overall increase in human happiness outweighs their CO2 crap.

BTw, my visit to the pub tonight was 400g of CO2 in crisps alone, according to Walkers "Greenpeace" Crisps, anyway.

ashleigh said...

You might think this is dumb (as do I), but the same bunch of namby pambies have figured out that each child should come with a bill for the CO2 produced by breathing during its lifetime. $6000 if I remember rightly.

Its all gone too far, madness prevails.