Goodness me. That was actually an entirely fascinating article you just linked to. I was preparing myself for a laugh - and looking forward to concocting some lame joke to delight you with - but I am just left feeling intrigued.
Water issues are going to get us all into trouble at some point (Israel and the Palestinians, for example, already have a few, erm, tensions, in this regard) and it would be as well for everyone if some solutions were dreamt up.
I would drink the stuff, reluctantly and with an initial feeling of disgust, but I wonder if others would follow suit? It just seems so alien, so unnatural, so horribly last-chance-saloon.
1 comment:
Goodness me. That was actually an entirely fascinating article you just linked to. I was preparing myself for a laugh - and looking forward to concocting some lame joke to delight you with - but I am just left feeling intrigued.
Water issues are going to get us all into trouble at some point (Israel and the Palestinians, for example, already have a few, erm, tensions, in this regard) and it would be as well for everyone if some solutions were dreamt up.
I would drink the stuff, reluctantly and with an initial feeling of disgust, but I wonder if others would follow suit? It just seems so alien, so unnatural, so horribly last-chance-saloon.
Nice one Mr C, I enjoyed that.
Greetings from Ireland to Oz....
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