
Friday, July 20, 2007

Pot Black in Black and White

This morning I was thinking about all the technology that we have in our house that the kids not only are familiar with, but use every day. Computers, DVD Players, MP3 Players, Mobile Phones, Digital Cameras. The most high tech thing we had in our house when I was their age was a Kodak Box Brownie, with eight black and white photographs per roll.

It got me thinking of our first major technology purchase, our Black and White Television, purchased when I was 13. This even predated the Sinclair Scientific Calculator.

That lead me to thinking about Pot Black. I used to love to watch this show, a show ironically developed to showcase the new potential of colour television. It took a trained eye to tell the difference between the pink and the blue when they were out of position. Legendary commentator Ted Lowe, aware that not all viewers had colour televisions, said the player is "going for the yellow ball by the sidepocket - and for those in black and white, it's next to the blue."

I never did like it as much in colour. So much for modern technology.

Looking for an image, I came across this. I had never realised that snooker could be dangerous. Warning: Not for the squemish.


Besom Abroad said...

Hey, thanks for the comment on my blog! Glad you liked the writing! Not sure my dislike about optimism will pass, though, as I've been here for nearly three years, and it still hasn't! What the hell, by the way, is a Kodax Box Brownie???!!!!

Anonymous said...

Pot black in monochrome was our generation's equivalent of "Educating Archie", the previous generation's radio show featuring ventriloquism.

What is the next generation's equivalent? A democracy where the Opposition presents an identical programme to the Government; the two party one-party State?