Your Language Type is: Older Futhark

Language of the Norse, Older Futhark! Thirty symbols, all told. And no hardier, more warrior-like tongue has ever graced the longships of the Viki or left the Celts and Saxons in such quivering fear. There's only one drawback, that being you died 800 years ago.
The Which Ancient Language Are You Test written by imipak
I'm linear A, designed by proto-Greeks, used by fishmongers and accountants. Old, boring and dead.
I like these tests you put up! I'm Egyptian Hieroglyphics, Monumental, ornate and Technicoloured.
"Old boring and dead" Make sure that you don't tell anyone.
We are a full service blog, always looking for time wasting and or interesting kwizes. I thought that this one was more interesting than the usual quiz. What I don't understand is whether there is a real link between the questions and the outcome.
I was demotic.
I don't know how.
Obviously, my superhero was Monkey.
I think mine language suits, particularly the bit about ending up "a schizoid mess"!:
You are Akkadian, a blend of the incomprehensible symbols of the Sumerians with the unwritable sounds of the early Semitic peoples. However, the writing just doesn't suit the words and doesn't represent everything needed, so you end up a schizoid mess. Invented in Babylon, you're probably to blame for that tower story. However, crazy as you are, you're much loved and appreciated, and remain actively in use by records keepers long after schools have switched to other languages.
And can you communicate in your new lingo, Colin?
With a spear and a blunt instrument. Beware! Rampaging about to begin.
And I'm linear B! Fun!
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