The most High Tech Carbon Emitting Passenger Aircraft known to man was unveiled yesterday in Seattle. It has a very high proportion of carbon fibre making it lighter and more fuel efficient.
The 787 was launched on the 07/08/07 if you are in America. 08/07/07 in most other places. Cute Marketing Trick. Over 600 of these suckers have been ordered before any are built and some buyers will have to wait eight years for their piece of the action. Qantas is the biggest buyer so far, so if you are in Australia, or going there expect to be in one some day.
Boeing is such a huge part of the Seattle area economy. When I lived there in the 1980s I had a look around one of the plants. Talk about enormous. Airbus will have their own version too.
I think this has potential for being environmentally sound. Our planes could be made out of recycled/reusable materials - old fridges, a dairy farms compost heap ...
...worm farms, plastic bags,..
Seriously, planes are going to be around for a good while. Might as well make them environmentally sound.
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