As Australia waits tediously for President for Life John Winston Howard to call the National Plebiscite, minor issues become huge storm in a tea cup issues.
Yesterday, Labor Leader Kevin Rudd carpeted his Foreign Affairs Spokesman Robert McLennan for the temerity of speaking out against the death penalty in South East Asia, despite this being Labor Party Policy and one that Mr Rudd spoke in favour off when he was Foreign Affairs Spokesman.
Methinks a bit of knee jerk and hypocrisy as the anniversary of the Bali Bombings approaches this week and some of those on death row have been convicted of involvement in that tragedy. It is hard to argue one rule for them and another for the Australians on death row in Bali for drug smuggling.
Come On Kevin show some spine. This is the kind of stuff that Captain Pot Calling the Kettle Black Howard and his mosh pit love to exploit. If it is Labor Party policy then stick too it and avoid looking mealy mouthed and reactionary. Many people actually support opposition to the death penalty and it is fine to take the moral high ground and speak out against the barbarity of institutional death penalties.
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