The Australian Election is almost certain to be called today, finally. The most likely date is November 24. Unlike Gordon Brown, Howard has no choice now and must face the music, though clearly he would not if it was an option, with 70 consecutive polls forecasting gloom and doom for the government.
Not Happy John seem likely to win the 6 week endurance race, with polls out today showing a massive 70 - 30 split in favour of Labor for those under 30 and findings that the fantastically unpopular Workchoices Legislation is especially electorally poisonous. No big surprises. Just bring it on and get it over with. Howard is going to need a lot more than ugly race politics, aboriginal reconciliation promises and threats of scary Union Bosses running the country to win this one.
is that van deisel? no idea. just watned to say thank you for my birthdaay wishes. i had a good time and yo u should hav been there. yes i am a little druunk
The Australian Federal election has been called for 24th November 2007.
Due to changes in electoral laws if people's details on the electoral roll are wrong they won't be allowed to vote.
Please urge your Aussie readers to read this article http://www.bhatt.id.au/blog/enrol-and-register-to-vote-you-can-make-a-difference/ so they know how to fix their details and be able to vote.
Although I'm politically aligned (Greens candidate for Werriwa) I don't mind who you or your readers vote for, as long as people are not deprived of their right to vote via sneaky legislation.
Poor old John - and the workplace regs has a lot going for them too. The soft underbelly of Australia will finally triumph though.
I've no idea who to vote for this time. I'm planning on putting pictures of the main candidates on a large cork pinup board and throwing darts at it. any one who doen't score a dart may get a vote.......Or quite possibly the one who PROMISES to build dams, catchments, etc. to capture the seasonal tropical downpours and pipe the water to drier parts of the country. I agree it will cost many millions of dollars, but how much more will it cost if they start in 5-10-15 years rather than now? And how about legislation for every new home built to have an underground water storage tank to supply house and garden instead of the current rain/storm water running out to gutters and being so totally wasted? There's a person to vote for. As long as it's a genuine promise, not an election non-core promise........
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