From the Age
The Darwin Awards have been announced for 2006.
The Australian Police Commissioner talking about the huge seizure of liquid ecstasy in Sydney yesterday talked about another candidate who died when a condom full of cocaine exploded in his stomach. Apparently there has been a huge increase in drug smuggling into Australia.
Why smuggle drugs in when there are all those poisonous animals to be bitten by? I'd have thought at least a few of them must be able to give you a few hallucinations.
There is no accounting for the depths of human stupidity. Other favourites in Australia include petrol sniffing, cheap and readily available. I imagine the high from being bitten by those poisonous animals is likely short and sweet. Ask Steve Irwin. In addition, Adelaide, where I live, is one of the best places in the world to grow the wicked weed.
I would imagine anyone smuggling drugs in condoms in the belly would have to avoid fizzy drinks and spicy food.
Also, a can of Coke when mixed with a latex bag of, um, coke could have seriously explosive consequences - much the same as when kids used to mix that sweet powder called Space Dust with Coke back in the 70s. x
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