Here is his son Gregor finishing the Dunfermline Half Marathon. Not sure how far he actually ran. He was obviously encouraged by his dad.
I can't remember my mum or dad ever doing anything much athletic and I have never enjoyed running by itself. I have tried it for social reasons, a few times, but I never got the bug. I used to like to climb hills in Scotland, but at my own pace and never too fast. The only time I did the kind of running that my brother liked was the Airthrey Race, which was held every year at the University of Stirling. It went from the Gannochy Sports Pavilion to the top of the nearest hill, Dumyat. As usual, I just turned up without any preparation and joined in. Hell going up and dangerous coming down at great speed. A great community event. I finished, which was enough for me. I can still remember that feeling of nausea when it was all over. That kind of body reaction screams madness to me and rather than inspiring me, makes me less inclined to participate in that kind of body abusing activity.
I am intrigued what sports and physical activities my kids will want to get involved with. They are game to try a little bit of this and a little bit of that. Their Australian cousins have a soccer mad dad, who has convinced himself that his retirement will be funded by their professional soccer contracts. I am not sure I am ready to push our kids the way he does. I just don't have the personality to be a soccer dad or for that matter any kind of competitive or aggressive booster for my kids chosen sport.
I realise I have inherited much of what my father embodied in his interaction with us in sport. I am perfectly supportive and have already taken them to sporting activities. Ryan likes Cricket and they both have enjoyed Circus School, but they are both in dabbling mode.
That sounds just like my interaction with sport. Perhaps that is just the way it will be. If I was to chose to be the hare or the tortoise, I would be one third hare and two thirds tortoise.
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