I have the Answers Todays Highlight Application, which is the first thing that greets me when I turn on the computer. Todays story is interesting for the last sentence in the paragraph.
Happy birthday to romance novelist Danielle Steel, who turns 60 today. The author of some 70 bestselling novels, Steel has had a book on the New York Times bestseller list for nearly 400 consecutive weeks; when her books reached 381 weeks on the NYT bestseller list, she received an entry in Guinness World Records. Steel wrote her first book when she was 19 years old. She still types on a 1946 Olympia manual typewriter.
Wow! I have never opened a Danielle Steel Book, but she is pretty successful despite that and all those books on a 1946 manual typewriter. Now that is craft. My experience with typewriters was always with the keys getting caught up. The thought of having to use correction fluid rather than the delete key is rather scary.
I thought I was on the wrong blog there for a minute.
Well she's certainly made a ton of cash on that typewriter. I'm afraid I'd still be on page one. Thank goodness for computers.
I've tried one of her books and it was very boring.
Yes in terms of investments in plant and equipment, that would have to be one of the best investments made by anyone anywhere.
Are the old typewriter ribbons still available then?
Good question. I shall investigate.
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