Most of the vehicles were pretty old and driven by people about my Dad's age. Later on Grandads Army came marching down the street, medals proudly displayed, followed by the bagpipe band and some other military types as they headed off to the parade at Keswick Barracks down the road.
It made me think of all their mates, who were long gone, dead and buried as a consequence of being in the wrong place and the wrong time in France, Vietnam, Korea, wherever.....
I wonder if this generation would be willing to make the sacrifices that these guys did, especially as the US is considering conscription.
War is an ugly thing and small parades on beautiful winter mornings in Adelaide don't really do justice to the horrific situations that many of these Aussie Battlers went through.
Happy Reservists Day (I found out later what it was about on the radio).
This is a new one and I really do support it. They never had this as a national holiday when I was there. Yes, the sacrifices by our parents' generation, the privations, were almost unbelievable.
Jocko, you have the same problem with Blogger - when you post an 80% or 90% wide photo, the text runs beside it in a spindly and very ugly manner. Better to upload the photo centred rather than to the left or else run the photo full width. Failing that, run the text after a paragraph break.
Danke Gruppenfuhrer DesignMeister Higham. I will be sure to take this on board. I notice this when I log on using different computers with different browsers, operating systems and screens. Always happy to receive constructive input on any aspect of my blog.
Do you know the song by the Pogues, Waltzing Matilda? It never fails to make the hairs on my neck stand on end.
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