
Saturday, March 01, 2008

Photo Hunt: Party

Hannah had a party with her class for her last birthday. She documented the day with her new digital camera and this was one of the better photographs. The kids have moved school now and these memories are very special.

More Photohunters.


Anonymous said...

Hi! A real memory and always something to smile about whenever remembered!
Great take on the theme!

Anonymous said...

Cute kids!
Great shot!

Anonymous said...

The kids look oh so wonderful. It did seem a great time for them.

jams o donnell said...

Great shot and deifinitely a treasured memory. Have a great weekend

Rajson said...

They are so cute!
Children grow up so quick!
(My youngest is still in Surfers Paradise!)
HAve a nice weekend!
(Love that photo from China beech-what a nightmare)

Anonymous said...

Looks like she took a good photo there! Great memories. Have a good weekend. Mine is up, please stop by.

Anonymous said...

Awwwwwwwww..How cute!

Napaboaniya.Elaine Ling said...

10 years down the road and looking at the picture once more would definitely bring back lovely memories :)

Hootin Anni said...

Cute....they all look like they're enjoying the time together.

Happy Hunting, and thanks for visiting Collin

Sarge Charlie said...

yep, memories are important

Carver said...

Great party shot and glad she has those memories. Have a happy weekend.

Anonymous said...

she sure knows how to take a pic with a nice angle.

the kids looked happy.

CRIZ LAI said...

Wow.. all in a party mood. Great post and they are all cute :)

☆ MsK ☆ said...

Ah, the memories it brings. What a happy bunch! Happy Hunting!

Andree said...

It's a great photo because of her expression and all of the activity. It is as if she is still, in amazement, and there is uproar all about. Very nice. MY PH: Party is here. Thank you.

Katney said...

Someone is following in her daddy's phtographic footsteps!

jmb said...

Digital cameras make it so much easier to capture memories don't they? I'm sure moving schools was quite traumatic for them. Hope all is going well in the new house.

Dragonstar said...

She did well! Nice to have these memories.

ancient one said...

Looks like Hannah had a great party!! Good Post!!

denz said...

wow! you have a very nice picture and I love the way you put consistency of the picture,it is very flexible...indeed you have a great post! keep it up!!!

here's mine:
Happy Weekend!