The new Scottish Manager Alex McLeish and the boys squeezed out a last gasp win in Glasgow against Georgia in the Euro 2008 qualifier, and in the process retained the Unofficial Football World Championship, closely modelled on boxing championships. Next up the defence in Italy on Wednesday night. The winner takes the title for a while.
Steve McLaren on the other hand, looks like he is on his last gasp as England Manager after a pathetic scoreless draw in Tel Aviv. The Sun must be baying for blood this morning.
The pictures tell the story. Most Scottish people will take as much pleasure in the English result as the Scottish one as described by the ever so eloquent Flying Rodent.

I'm sure that actually I'm Scottish. I mean, I went to Scotland a few times on holiday so that must count, surely....are Scotland now rated higher than England?
No but they have retained the Unofficial Football World Championship, an arcane ranking system that Scotland are actually good at, with the win. Basically you start off with one team and rather like boxing you only win if you beat the champion. The Scots are masters of this (along with losing to crap teams). Only Scots could come up with this kind of logic.
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