Two examples of nutty lawsuits. How much money does George Lucas need?
The lawyers working late that night were preparing to do battle with the opposing legal armies of George Lucas, the creator of the Star Wars films, over who owns the copyright on the stormtrooper uniforms, the headgear of the imperial fighter pilots and the helmet designed for Luke Skywalker as he led the final assault on the Death Star in the first film of the original trilogy.
Lucas’s business empire claims that it owns all the rights to the uniforms, while the lawyers at SimmonsCooperAndrew will argue that the rights are in fact vested in an obscure prop designer from Twickenham who made the first helmets and suits for the 1977 film.
And in Australia, Darrell Lea Chocolates have fended off Cadbury's in an attempt to get them to stop using purple in their marketing and wrapping materials.
The Federal Court has dismissed an application by Cadbury Schweppes that the use of purple by Darrell Lea amounted to misleading and deceptive conduct.
Justice Peter Heerey said he was not persuaded that Darrell Lea in using purple had passed off its business or products as those of Cadbury or had contravened the Trade Practices Act.
How can someone trademark the colour purple?
You've been busy, young man.
Most Aussies associate that purple with Cadburys anyway. Today I seen a car drive past work and straight away thought of Cadburys chocolate.
I always worry about lawyer stuff (Hello Tom), but this kind of stuff just looks anti competitive. I have an instinctive dislike for bashing the small guy.
The French have successfully prosecuted Australian winemakers for using orange labels no sparkling wine. so you can protect a colour. Silly though it may be.
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