Hannah has wanted earrings since she was four. Her deal with mum was that she could have her ears pierced when she was 10. She was not happy, but she accepted it. So the day after her 10th birthday we headed off to the mall. She was very nervous and scared, but we booked the ear shooting. Just before the people in the shop fired their guns to put in the studs, Mum and Hannah checked the positions. She was happy in the end and the anticipated pain was very shortlived and not too bad. I thought she was very brave. I doubt if I would do it. It reminded me of how I used to feel going to the dentist when I was a kid. Petrified.
Two weeks later and they are healing up and she will be able to put earrings in in a few more weeks.
It reminded me what a great thing waiting and anticipating something that you really want. Too often we want everything now, rather like the kind of thinking that has lead to much of the economic meltdown over the last few months. Waiting for something is not so bad.
What a wonderful reflection to accompany this reflection shot.
Happy weekend.
My daughter was 12 when I succumbed while I was 40 myself when I had it done.
Waiting is not so bad and she was patient. Good photostory for the theme. Happy weekend Colin.
Nice capture for the meme!
Good post for the theme and I love the reflection of your daughter and her mom. I told my daughter she had to wait until she was 16 to get her ears pierced, but she wore me down and I let her do it for her 13th birthday. When she was 20 she got a small stud in her nose when she was away at college and it bothered me so much that she let it heal over and no longer has a nose piercing. I felt bad in a way that I was so rude about her coming home with a nose ring when she was more or less an adult but it bugged me. Just think what you have to look forward to, ha.
What a cute Story. And great photo for the hunt!
I got my ears pierced 4 times before they held. I started in the 2nd grade. It wasn't until university that I got a few more wholes. I haven't warn earings in about 2 years now. MAybe it's time to put some back in!
Love the photo and the story! I got mine pierced at around the same age as Hannah but my doctor did it (it was before the days of malls!).
Thanks for visiting mine and have a great weekend!
Great pic for the theme! I got my own ears done when I was that age, and I still remember the fear going to get it done. Have a good weekend and thanks so much for stopping by :)
yr daughter sure knows wat she wants. my wife is totally different. she has refused to have her ears pierced for the ear rings i bought her :)
Unlike Hannah, never wanted earrings but there seemed an awful lot of pressure early in my life from 'aunty' types to have them as part of the progression towards womanhood... :S
Nice reflection of the 2 gorgeous ladies :)
Brave girl! After my daughter had her first ear pierced, we had to coax her for an hour to get the other side pierced!!
Trips to the dentist mean almost going to war with both my kids... ta-da-da-da...
Wonderful story, Colin. I can completely relate. Unfortunately, despite trying a couple of times, earrings don't like my daughters' ears.
Nice share. In the Philippines most of the femme already have studs on their first or second month. Brave girl. My entry for this week is mirror-related, too. =)
Beautiful shot to remember this event!! Glad your daughter will be able to wear those much wanted earrings soon.
I left the hospital as a baby with pierced ears, that's the Spanish tradition: a baby girl's first gift are tiny, tiny gold earrings...I am glad it was this way, I have avoided a third ear piercing (although a little diamond has been calling my name) because of the suspected pain...
Happy weekend!
Very nice picture and I like the story that goes with it.
Looking forward to such things make them even more special.
The things women do for bling.
I once pierced ears when I worked at a jewelry store. It was fun seeing the excitement of the girls as we pierced their ears. But for those that were excited there more that were just as scared...even had to be held down by their parents! YIKES! Nice shot. I hope they are healing well and she still likes them. Happy Hunting ~ My Reflections
Nice choice of this week's theme. Mine is up as well. Have a great weekend!
Great shot! Good luck with the new earrings! :-)
Happy Weekend.
So true Colin, waiting maits it all the sweeter. I wish I practices that more often or my credit card bills would be smaller! But I digress, nice take on this week's theme
I'm sure there will be endless choices for that nice earrings. :)
Such beautiful reflection of two lovely ladies:) Love your take this week!
My site was down earlier. Sorry about that if you were there. But it's up now! HERE. See yah!
Beautiful entry this week! Perfect for the theme:)
Both meanings of "reflection", and a great photo. Perfect.
Thanks for dropping in.
I had to wait till I was 9, but my nieces had theirs done when they were still in the hospital after being born!
Great Reflection!
Stop by if you get the chance!
Happy weekend!
Nice choice for this weeks entry...Pretty shot...
My wife still resents that she had to wait until she was 10 and her sister who was two years younger got hers done at the same time. The injustice of life.
Oh, this was such a wonderful take on the theme! That's terrific that you have a picture of the event. I had mine done at the mall when I was 15 and the age was really 16 if you didn't have your mom with you. Mom was surprised when she saw what I had done!
Awww, what a great shot. I love the story that goes along with it.
Waiting makes the thing we want most more exciting.
Delayed gratification is one wonderful lesson we should teach our children and I am glad you taught yours this value of waiting :)
Girls' ears are usually pierced here in the Philippines when they are still infants.
That was deep. Cool :)
What a great photo to have. I am sure she will never forget this day. That picture would make a great scrapbook layout.
Great photo. I am not brave enough to do it either ;-)
Nice photo. I had my ears pierced at sixteen. My mum insisted that I had to pay for it myself. So the weekend after I received my first pay packet, the ears got pierced. In those days it was sleepers rather than studs and I still prefer sleepers over studs. My girls were 4 when they got pierced as was my granddaughter.
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